Sunday, June 29, 2008
沉浸在一 虚拟的境界
以什么目的来 这个世界
Saturday, June 28, 2008
no regrets
things in life that made you smile..
tends to have happy elements and no matter how many obstacles you have to go through
don't regret the path you have chosen and been through.
will and hope
因为我知道我所期待 ~
话虽如此~ 可我不会放弃~
每跌一次~ 我会变得更坚强~
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tears of joy
college life in New Era College, Kajang~
the best campus life i ever had...
thumbs up for Media Studies!! *yay*

drama 2006

Drama 2007

i miss Media Studies~ i have never regret the days at NEC...
a big family that gives warmth and sincerity...
great lecturers and greater knowledge we gained
the days that can no longer be seek...
those familiar happy faces...

Media Studies Rocks!!

wishing the best for all!! ^^

a walk to remember
then came every sight and sound and stimulations.
making meaning from every fresh experiences and take notes of them..
taking steps of wonder...
from curiosity to more curiosity...
temptations.. stimulates more temptations..
eagerness to grasp everything..
then came the time.. where everything seem to lose its shine...
there shone among the gray, is the great shiny goal..
that later become the goal of life..
in attempt to bask in glory..
every steps taken danger lingers...
...threatened to be swallowed by the reality. to be engulfed slowly...
every steps taken now became more cautious.
but still determined to leave a mark imprints forever and ever
determine to survive and live through a walk to remember...
when the end comes...
lying down..
was it the right path taken?
live a life of no regrets.
Friday, June 20, 2008
this is not a pipe.

This is a famous painting by Rene Magritte called "The Treachery of Images." Magritte's caption says, (in French) "This is not a pipe."
Interesting eh?
this illustrates Magritte's point, which is simply that an image or sign of a thing is not the thing itself. One could make the same point with any number of images, signs, and symbols. Magritte's point is a simple one, so simple that we usually don't think about it. But precisely because we don't think about it, because we forget that the signs and symbols all around us are just that, signs and symbols, and not things themselves, we can come to take for granted, take as "natural," aspects of life that are anything but. we have to become aware that the names and labels are just names and labels. They represent the signified but they are not the signified. when you see a tree, you say that is a "tree". "Tree" is the signifier to signify the plant that has branches with big trunk to support it, so that plant is a signified.
Some labels and its meaning changes due time. These days semiotics serves as a very useful set of tools for identifying many of the formal patterns that work to make meaning in many aspects of our culture, particularly the media. Media constantly bombarded us with media messages with many symbols and signs that in order to identify and make meaning from them, we have to know at least how semiotics works. A particular advertisement would have its own ways of presenting its product, so we cannot simply just "see" an advertisement, we have to "read" the advertisement: the graphic, the lay out, the colours, the supporting elements, etc.
Try to read every advertisement that comes your way, it will give you more fun whenever you flip through the glossy mags as you can interpret meanings from them rather than just looking at them.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
short of breath...
everywhere is US...
sometimes it is suffocating to know how different we are.
yet most of the time there are similarities.
is there more similarities than difference?
should we focus on just the similarities? or just on the difference?
is it good to be just like everyone else?
everyone else has it; everyone else is doing it; everyone else believes it......
what will happen if one day you find out that you are the only one who is awake?
will you try to escape from it? from the "reality"?
or will you attempt to wake up others too?
or would you rather just knock yourself unconscious and keep on sleepwalking in the "reality" everyone perceive as "TRUE"?
Monday, June 16, 2008
“L” Word" 观后感
从国际传播的方面来看 “L” Word,除了刻画经过美化的美国女同志生活之余,也在向世界呈现美国文化和美国高品质水准的生活。“L” Word 在传遍全世界的同时,除了继续美国文化工业的传统-- 向观众传达美国文化,其实也在为女性和女同志传达她们的声音。故事中除了反映出女同志面对的问题,间接的也带出了女性在现代社会的地位。女性除非表现出刚强的一面并套上一些男性特质,要不然很难和男性在职场竞争。
每人自小都被灌输男生配女生的观念,让同志发现自己“与众不同”时不免焦虑慌张,在面对社会的强力否定时,更是充满罪恶感。 不仅如此,人们自小更被灌输男性要强悍;女性要温柔的思想,童话故事其实都在灌输这个观念。“L” Word 可说是在对传统既有的社会符号系统进行对抗、示威。一班男同志爸爸背着孩子上街游玩的画面是众多违反传统社会观念的其中一个。此外也不避忌地带出了同志生育的课题,从女同志的角度面对父权社会对她们的歧视。“L” Word 刻画出一直以来被社会及媒体边缘化的群体,从每一位角色的世界看待女同志的世界。
因此,通过剧中的角色来了解女同志的生活并不是最好的方式。难道剧中的主角们过着优质的生活,就代表着现实社会的女同志也是如此吗?将女同性恋的生活美化是这部电视剧的卖点之一?究竟剧中的角色在观众的眼里,代表了什么呢?据了解, “L” Word 的剧情触及不少女同志观众的感受,得到她们的认同、簇拥与支持。因为现实生活的女同志或许无法在社会得到满足感,就希望通过参与剧中的人物和剧情发展来“实现”自己的期盼。这就是肥皂剧的魔力。
肥皂剧有能力让观众在潜移默化之下将剧中角色和自己系上关系,角色得到的满足感如同自己也得到满足感一样。通过角色的模仿,型塑或提升个人的自我形象和自信。 “L” Word在全世界播放,影响是很大的。没有媒体识读能力的观众或许会被剧中的“事实”牵引。一味地认为剧中所呈现的都是事实,都很“真”。此外,有收看 “L” Word的女同志通过成立 “L” Word剧迷的社群,集在一块儿讨论这部电视剧的剧情,进而增强同志的凝聚力,互相扶持、勉励,并得到归属感。据说热血沸腾的女同志性爱场面也为这部剧引来不少男性观众的亲睐。和其他肥皂剧一样, “L” Word 成功让部分观众投入在剧情当中,与剧中角色一起悲伤,一起欢乐,一起紧张,牵动着观众的情感。不一样的是,“L Word” 刻画的并不是普遍社会能够坦然接受的群体的生活故事。
在这时代,各个国家、民族的文化和传播内容突破地域限制,走向世界并在全球范围内接受检验与评价。“L” Word向大众呈现传统社会难以接受、难以启齿的女同志课题,再加上拍摄尺度相当的大,传到了思想较为保守的国家时岂不引起文化冲突?不同国度的观众对西方文化有不同程度的接受度。没办法接受的观众会如何分析这电视剧的讯息?他们会认为西方文化太开放,深怕会影响或破坏崇高的传统文化和价值观。
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Philosophical Comicz to share with ^ ___ ^
"Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past."
It makes sense in the way, that as we grow older, and as we gain experiences, we understand more about our world. And that is when we realised, how naive we were, in the past.
"If that is true, then wisdom is knowing that you will be an idiot in the future."
This statement.. Hmm... Wisdom. what is wisdom? wisdom enables us to know how to balance what we know and to organise and utilize wisely? i don't really get this actually.. > < about wisdom.. if we have wisdom, we can prevent ourselves from being an idiot, is it not? so this statement must have meant, with wisdom, you'll know that you will do something that is lack intelligence and hence will prevent yourself from doing it. am I right? or anyone has a better answer? =P
"And common sense is knowing that you should try not to be an idiot NOW."
Common sense is something in our conscious mind that tells us what is appropriate and what is not. so yeah, i get this...
what do you think? =)
Reference: Comic taken from
Cycle ^ ___ ^
To understand we explain.
To explain we seek for explanation.
In search of explanation, more often than not we tend to ignore most parts that we cannot see and not understtod and just sensing the part we understand.
if we don't understand, we are lost.
when we are lost, we feel empty.
when we feel empty, we seek.
but whether or not what we seek is real we do not know.
because what we see may deceived us, isn't it?
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Do you work out?
"i have no idea what kind of activity suits me..."
"there's this show that i cannot miss!"
Do they sound familiar to you?
well, these people are likely to have finding pretext for NOT taking part in any activities that involve exercise and making it a part of healthy living.
Whoever you are, there's an activity for you. Everyone knows the benefits of exercising. Getting fit, is not about pushing your limits to be anything near brilliant at a particular sport but is to derive pleasure and healthy lifestyle from it. Some people hold back and try not to think about joining activities that involves exercises because they feel self-conscious about their ability.
Don't you ever think that you are too old for anything! You're never too old to learn to swim, or do salsa or going to the gym! you can take classes to improve your technique if that's what's holding you back.
There are many activities can be done by yourself, and require neither technical expertise nor much in the way of equipment or expense - just as long as you have the willingness to give it a go. To give yourself a chance.
Here's the best and easiest and most popular ways to start getting fit. Today. =)
Walk, walk, walk.
I know, right? it's what you do everyday. BUT, does your walk covers some distance and requires at least 15 minutes to get to your destination?
Walking is the simplest and the most affordable of all exercises, and making it a regular activity can greatly increase your fitness.
Walking improves the condition of your heart and lungs (cardiovascular fitness) and works the muscles of the lower body. And there's where you can tone your legs, if you are walking correctly. Make sure while you walk, don't ever slouch! Walking up hills expends more energy - even walking down again uses more energy than walking on the flat. Boost your fitness by walking just about anywhere.
- To get off the bus or train a stop or two early. This will give you some extra daily exercise - and might even reduce your transportation fee. =) good news eh? all about budget planning. haha
- Take a walk during your lunch hour or maybe dinner. Half an hour's walk after a meal will cut the amount of fat you store by using it to fuel your exercise.
- Once a week take a longer walk along a completely different route to keep things interesting. Who knows? you might make a new friend as you take a new route. =P
You could try power walking in the park. The idea is to walk at such a fast pace that it would actually be easier to break into a run. You burn more calories walking at this speed than you would running at the same pace.
Healthy living. What's more important than that?
Links to share with... =)
For criticising session, click here...
For another 30 minutes entertainment, click here...
To listen to a brief interview, click here...
To listen to Weekly English, click here... (Mandarin - English)
Happy sharing! =P
Friday, June 6, 2008
to share the Art of Learning
How to make learning easier? well... for one, you have to know how to balance up the stress you are facing every day, by emotional healing. Try to improve your emotions and relief stress by finding the best way for you. Every individual varies in their choices of demounting stress levels. May it be music, outdoor activities, talking to people and so on. We always learn best when we are relaxes, interested and motivated. when you are relaxed, it makes your brain easier to absorb new informations and knowledge and will be more likely to stay put for a long period of time.
Then, it is how you organise the information you received and turn them into valuable assets. that is, your knowledge. We can learn something from everything. Everything that we experience will at least gives us an idea or values to learn from. Aware of your surroundings and what is happening around you, and observe. You'll be surprised to see how much you can learn around you. Even from a small gesture from a stranger might give you an idea for your learning or work.
And of course... while you are learning, you have to understand what strengths and weaknesses do you have. Self awareness plays quite an important part in the learning process. One you realised what your strengths are, put them to good use. make them skills to help you succeed in life. Knowing what you are capable of is vital in the process of learning and achieving goals. and while you are at it, applying skills you learned in different areas of life and make the skills an asset of yours.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
How your state of mind affects your emotions...
Even though nobody feels blissfully happy, always having positive thoughts and behaves sensibly - yet if you're in a generally good state of mind, it's much easier to enjoy life, rather than feeling beaten and discouraged at times.
First, what you need to do is try to look at things surrounding you in a new light. Our mood can be affected by all sorts of things, including lifestyle, past experiences, who we met, who we are with, who we have talked to and such...
However, what you need to remember is that our state of mind is only partly influenced by the past or by physical factors. The rest is down to us though... the way we think about things and how we manage different aspects of our lives. Most of us have much more influence over our feelings than we thought we can.
I'm sure some of you might say "That's impossible! We can't always avoid negative thoughts!!" it is true, but one of the secrets is to balance between the two. Mental balance is when you are able to notice how you choose or allowing yourself to think... either negatively or better yet, to think positively.
Next time you are on the verge of swearing on that "unworthy" train services or whatever that is on the way of causing you stress, try to look at the situation in a different way. And whenever you come across obstacles in life and you start criticizing yourself, DON'T! don't say "I'm useless.." say instead "I will put more effort and will success in this!" Don't let the 5 seconds of negative thoughts affects your mood for the whole day ahead! =) Remember, "state of mind is very important!"