the Digi troops.
oh well, this is in fact a Digi campus.
Mr. Narvin himself worked on ELS stuff, and far beyond, the CCS (in pink shirt)
one of the SSLA member, Winnie~~~
Celine and I...
some energetic and lovely Korean youth practising on their dancing performance.
ELS, one of the clubs I joined.
on the first day, it was pretty full. about 500 attended the orientation.
SSLA booth.
on the second day, the number of attendence dropped drastically.
oh well...
Orientation was here!
it was not my first time joining orientation. but it was my first not being one of the students that had to sit tight from morning till noon (with 1 or 2 occasional breaks in between, that is, toilet breaks if you want to), with hardly any entertainment at all (all dry speeches guaranteed to put anyone to sleep).
well, i was there on both days and both days were freaking boring. they just had no idea how to pull a proper orientation. hello... they are students, young and lively souls! they need some entertainment. some real entertainment. shouldn't just throw everything at them and "voila" end of orientation, "have a wonderful time at xxxx" Gosh. haha that was how it was for my orientation last MAY. B-O-R-I-N-G. very unlike what i experienced in NEC. (old and better days still fresh in memory)
classes start on Monday!! whooa yay! :) gotta get prep up and get ready for new semester!
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