1) the power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy PHD.

2) thoughts on life and consciousness by Janez Drnovsek

3) into the wild by Jon Krakauer

4) the stuff of thought: language as a window into human nature by Steven Pinker

5) the tipping point by Malcolm Gladwell

6) The Nature of Personal Reality - A Seth Book
7)The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events: A Seth Book
8) The "Unknown" Reality, Volume I and II
and also, the english version of A New World :D
guess it's inevitable for me to splash on books, as always.
Currently reading:
1) The Astral Plane, as introduced to me by JX.
2) The Power of Now (chinese version)
empower ur mind to the fullest by reading those books....gilerlah...dont u like a little bit fun an leisure book?