just like xiao yan said ... 视觉洞察 through the lens of a camera..
Sunday, September 28, 2008
just like xiao yan said ... 视觉洞察 through the lens of a camera..
a post replying to 射手座
Friday, September 26, 2008
a friend
Dimming and Fading...
shouldn't have let this happen to me, the more it is engulfing me and assimilating me, the more i want to fight and turn it. okay, it will be hard to turn it, but at least i have to persist in preserving what i do best... i have to find my strength back.. the strength to be different. we think different.
after watching several presentations (in one of the classes im taking), realised that many of them have mindset that is totally different from ours. sometimes we think we are a little too forward and thinking a little deeper. is it that we have explored and learned from a different light? it is quite hard to acknowledge them when we realised that there are loopholes in their presentations/research or whatever. may it be stereotyping ideas, incomprehensive questionnaires or so on... even though critical comments are welcomed, well, who likes to be criticized?? true right?
in some period in my life, this happens.. as i lost focus and feeling my strength fading and all.. but i believe i can find it back. and i hope Beverly can find hers back too. (we have to. )
Thursday, September 25, 2008
everyone has secrets.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Random Facts abt me
1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Chosen Quotes to Share with (SEVEN)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
::...:: explosion ::...:: (Fiction)
eye blinding light... shone upon the remnants of numbness.from afar came the ear deafening explosion..
emitting rounds and rounds of heat waves.
everything had been so quiet and untouched..
everything had been... peaceful.
up till this explosive new encounter.
the explosion acted as a catalyse, making rapid changes to the environment.
anticipating.. something new to come.
something, unseen before..
something.. pure... purer than anything lying in this numbness.
this explosion brought about a new light... a new ray of hope.
something is going to happen and it is for sure that something is full of excitement and thrill.
for more to come.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Fiction: Blurry Images
human collective behaviour
actually, the phenomenon which i have seen this morning is typical in our lives. it's juz like the way we live under a social convention. we never think of questioning abt the way we live. why shld we wear pyjamas to bed? why do we buy that new model of mobile phone when the old can still be in use? it's something implant in our mind by our ideology~ we feel comfortable with what is already there~ never wanting to change the way it is, coz we feel safe~ feel secure~ and whenever someone wanted to stand up and question against the already steady flow, not wanting to be da same as the crowd, obstacles came.
that's what i came to face when i tried to walk against the crowd of people who strolled in da park. i walk in the opposite direction and what i get is questioning glares. my mum asked me "why do so when it brings so much trouble when u walked in the opposite direction? juz follow the crowd larR..."
i was like, "why"?
"coz you will bring trouble to other people~"
... ... human are always set up to be work in groups. it's a social phenomenon, i think i studied this in human comm before, but i forgot d exact term to apply to this phenomenon~ LOL
it's interesting to observe our social world~~~ haha
uncle's new place
home, the one place that provides us a sense of belong when there is no where else to go to.
a place where you and I crave to own.
no matter how it looks from the outside, it's the warmth from the inside that matters. the comfort, can hardly found else where.
and today i am sharing about... a new place of my relatives.
my uncle got my cousins a new place of their own~ ^^
i think the condo is a bit cool with all the designs.. and well furnished interior.
i wish for a place of my own too! ^^
*day dreaming*
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
a new dawn
beneath it all
it is all bare
bare to all
there is no distance
there is nothing in between
exist side by side
stand up for whoever is in need.
believing... is the key.
no assuming.
no hesitating.
just breathe...
and calmness will come to you.
fear not of the fear itself
look at it in the eye and you will find yourself stronger.
as thr fear itself manipulates you through your perception of it..
with no fear stands in the way..
getting to the other end unscatched.
no backing away...
no turning away...
once started, get on with it...
persistence is the key.
hold onto the key
and soon, comes the new dawn.
Monday, September 15, 2008
this is my grandma~ ^^
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Trip - fictional writing
Friday, September 12, 2008
大家都渴望言论上的自由、 独立自主的自由等。。
Thursday, September 11, 2008
how easy it can be defeated and thrawted
by just a single thread of words...
or a single event
or a single thought.
is it the feeling of uncertain and self doubt which leads to the end of determination?
or is it the lack of some recognition of others?
that you start to realise, with determination or not, you are not going to make it to the goal?
determination is what the power of your mind can bring.
it holds your faith together, believing that until the end, you will not fail.. even if you do not achieve what you wanted in the first place, you learn something. if you are not determined, you will never learned from what you have not gone through.
success or failure, is not the ultimate answer.
if one can hold all the pieces together and lay it all out in the end,
one will see a pattern, of how he or she make it through until the other end... which, at first seem impossible, if not with the aid of determination.
the above pictures is generated by using a simple tool from Neoformix.com. it can generate any words you like. ^^ however, there is only one shape available- heart.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
im stressed
the following photos were taken by me when i visited the KLCC aquarium...
and these pictures of sceneries soothe me ^^ not taken by me though.. i seldom travel to the beaches...
and another turtle!!
(it's too beautiful so i have to post it here as well! xD)
im stressed but after looking at some pictures like those shown above, i feel loads better!
hope you do too! @^^@
have a nice week! ^^
Monday, September 8, 2008
Chosen Quotes to Share with (SIX)
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Sunday, September 7, 2008
short semester
first time attending short semester..
we do not have short semester back in NEC. okay, there are.. but due to course selection, i never attend to any short semester classes.
short semester is a word. hectic.
however, i am depressed not because my schedule is hectic. hectic is good in a way that i take it as a challenge. i am emo and sort of depressed because i could not get around to see many of my friends this semester!!
also due to course selection and time table differences, i find myself bored stiff without any so called warm and fuzzy lunch with my friends in campus.
i miss those days (last semester) a lot.
that is why i am like... so, sienz in campus lately. > <>
p/s: the arrows indicate intonations. ^^
"Verbal expression in speech or writing.
Verbal exchange; conversation.
A formal, lengthy discussion of a subject, either written or spoken.
Archaic. The process or power of reasoning."
Friday, September 5, 2008
Animals... who act just like human does. ^^
kReativ blogger award

i got an AWARD! LOL
i was nominated by Blue aka Nath as one of the Kreativ Blogger!!
thanks Nath, for the recognition.
*smile* *HUG*
i am going to nominate a few bloggers who deserve to have this Kreativ Blogger award as well.
and the nominees are:
Wyne - her blog is all about her life in New Zealand, her life stories to share. really creative ways to present her life abroad.. with lots of photos to tell her stories.
Robin - i don't simply nominate him because he was my classmate. i nominate him because sometimes his posts can be quite entertaining. ^______^ also because he is a Mauritian Chinese, so it is somewhat interesting to know what he has in his mind about the events happening around him in Malaysia, and in UCSI. =P
Essel - you guys might never have hear of her name in Nuffnang.. but she can write good stuffs. ^^
Kenneth- His blog has lots of interesting read. he has interesting stories to share.
Janice - her blog is pretty cool xD
and of course.. Nath is a very kreativ blogger herself.
Rules of the award:
1. The winner may put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
So basically if you saw your name in the list, you're TAGGED! well, it is kind of like a small recognition I awarded you for being creative~ so... keep the award alive! ^^
Thursday, September 4, 2008
outing with mom n dad
just thought of sharing some photos. xD
my mum! xD
we look identical.
okay, maybe not that identical.
but.. i think my mum smiled in quite a cute way in this pic.
and this, is my dad.
he seldom take pictures.
and when he did, he rarely make faces.
but in this photo, he did! haha
all he does all the time is to look straightly to the camera and stand stiff and smile in a rather stiff fashion. lol
well anyways...
there's not much to show.. we seldom take family photos.. coz my parents do not really enjoy taking pictures.
unless, there comes a time where everyone is either to sit or stand quite still and have the best, well practiced smile to face the camera; to take pictures for important occasions.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
understanding what is HARD to understand
i have a lot to say
"just let the feelings show, as the time flows...
everything gradually shows."
life is not as long as we think it is.
one may feel bored stiff with daily routines but that is why we are here.
to make occasional out- of- ordinary routines,
to add spice into own life, and others as well.
i have got something to tell..
i have a lot to tell.
but there never come a time where i can truly, freely express it.
i am not good at expressing. verbally. in conversations.
sometimes i can not really express what i really want to say.
it is hard.
different things may come out from my lips.
contradictory ideas may slip out of my lips even when my heart yearning to express it otherwise.
thus i can just solely rely on my thoughts to express it in words.
in the chains of thoughts reflected in my words.
words may become a good friend of mine.
or maybe they already have.
you can not say words are emotion-less. because they are vehicle of meanings and therefore they transmit emotions.
in one sense, they have emotions. but it is you and I that gives them that.
the power of delivering emotions through the chain of words.
Monday, September 1, 2008
the extraordinary thing that we call LOVE
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
that's why we say "love changes everything".