Thursday, June 5, 2008

How your state of mind affects your emotions...

Yes... A good state of mind will grant you a healthy and happy life. How we feel, think and act contributes to our emotional well being. To some extent the way you feel is dictated by the way you think, and bad feelings are often the result of unhelpful patterns of thinking.

Even though nobody feels blissfully happy, always having positive thoughts and behaves sensibly - yet if you're in a generally good state of mind, it's much easier to enjoy life, rather than feeling beaten and discouraged at times.

First, what you need to do is try to look at things surrounding you in a new light. Our mood can be affected by all sorts of things, including lifestyle, past experiences, who we met, who we are with, who we have talked to and such...

However, what you need to remember is that our state of mind is only partly influenced by the past or by physical factors. The rest is down to us though... the way we think about things and how we manage different aspects of our lives. Most of us have much more influence over our feelings than we thought we can.

I'm sure some of you might say "That's impossible! We can't always avoid negative thoughts!!" it is true, but one of the secrets is to balance between the two. Mental balance is when you are able to notice how you choose or allowing yourself to think... either negatively or better yet, to think positively.

Next time you are on the verge of swearing on that "unworthy" train services or whatever that is on the way of causing you stress, try to look at the situation in a different way. And whenever you come across obstacles in life and you start criticizing yourself, DON'T! don't say "I'm useless.." say instead "I will put more effort and will success in this!" Don't let the 5 seconds of negative thoughts affects your mood for the whole day ahead! =) Remember, "state of mind is very important!"

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