Saturday, June 28, 2008

no regrets

don't regret anything that ever made you smile...

things in life that made you smile..
tends to have happy elements and no matter how many obstacles you have to go through
don't regret the path you have chosen and been through.



  1. OoOo that's nice!

    BUT isn't it a haiku?

  2. Well, a haiku is basically a short poem of about two lines...

    something like

    The sun looks bright today,
    said the bird to the grasshopper.

    Hahahha something like that (I'm not that good with writing my own poetry) and the thing is, haikus don't have to rhyme either

  3. It's originally a Japanese style of poetry writing.

    here's an example

    the wind of Mt. Fuji
    I've brought on my fan!
    a gift from Edo
