Tuesday, June 17, 2008

short of breath...

as i look around me...
everywhere is US...
sometimes it is suffocating to know how different we are.
yet most of the time there are similarities.
is there more similarities than difference?
should we focus on just the similarities? or just on the difference?
is it good to be just like everyone else?
everyone else has it; everyone else is doing it; everyone else believes it......
what will happen if one day you find out that you are the only one who is awake?
will you try to escape from it? from the "reality"?
or will you attempt to wake up others too?
or would you rather just knock yourself unconscious and keep on sleepwalking in the "reality" everyone perceive as "TRUE"?


  1. Very interesting. I'll check out what reality is if I were the only one awake and if it's better than the sleep, I'll wake those who I think won't ruin it for me. If it's worse, obviously it's back to sleep for me.

  2. LOL Krobo...
    don't go to sleep just yet!! LOL

    why is it that you will only wake those who won't ruin it for you?
    you mean you will only wake those who will believe you?
