Sunday, May 25, 2008

Natural Disaster.. what do you think??

Over and over again, people hit by natural disaster and suffered great loss. We showed empathy to those unfortunate ones, we donate, we pray, we do everything we can to help.
is that really?

can you not admit that some... they don't really care much? they'll talk it over teatime, dinner and sighed for the unfortunate happenings. but some way, they feel lucky that they weren't one of those hundreds and thousands of disaster victims.

most, who have yet to realise the seriousness of the unfortunate events, just looked up with a worried look or concern, then get back to their daily life in the materialistic world. some... shut the world away, and just focus on the tasks ahead, that is.. to make money.
what do they care about what happened in other countries? how stupid.

we are inter related. not one of us is any different from another. the experience you experienced are similar with those around you or maybe others from another region.. we share a common story. we write the history of our world. so it is unwise to think nothing is more important than satisfying your own needs. it is not. Cater to the needs of those around you and start making this world shines with more love and not indifference. Life is not just about you, no matter how you feel that it is. Make a small effort to contribute to your local community. it makes all the difference.

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