A touching reply from a reader on "What Would You Do"
"what would you DO?
what would you do if you can't do anything but just lie there?
what would you do when it all gets so cold out there that you felt nothing?
what would you do when you find that there's no one but yourself who care about you?
If you lying there, would you be thinking about your nearly impossible future? or the past? would you do anything, anything at all to change your present situation? or just lie there silently, not wanting to draw too much attention and claerly wanted to be forgotten?
If the world out there became so cold and selfish, would you be one of them? or shutting away all of that and be a lone warrior? figthing against the main stream?
If you find that you are alone in this world, so lonely that your presence seems to be a thread away from turning into vapour, what would you do to change that? would you recall the warmth you used to feel, and show your gratitude for that? or just held the hatred towards this world for not to understand and accept you?
If you lost the mobility, you should not give up cause you are still alive. you can think, you can talk. you can stand up straight again, believe it. while there's life, there's hope.
When the world out there gets so cold, stay strong and hold on, for there might be other warriors struggling too.
when you think that thge whole world walks out and turns back on you, you are wrong. you are the one who shut them away, not vice versa. it's how you see things that makes the difference."
February 22, 2007
i wrote the above blog entry last year~~~
after a few days, i received a message from a worrying parent, Mr. A. His son is suffering from cancer and the disease is getting worse, killing him day by day~
he wrote:
"I was very touched and moved by your Feb 22, 2008 Tale. My own son is "warrior struggling", trying to stay strong. Thank you for your words. This is a picture of my son, Mike, last November."
I will of coz keep his name anonymous and his son's picture away from publishing.
but i offer full sympathy to him when i replied to him.
on the following day, i received a longer message from Mr.A.
"Miss Wen Qian Cherish,
I wrote to you yesterday about your Tale and my son. My son, M, is 20 years old. Two years ago he was found to have a cancer tumor in his spinal cord in the neck area. The cancer is called glioblastoma multiforme. The out look is not good. A little over a year ago, M was paralysed from the waist down, by a problem with one of his medicines. Through all of this he tries to be strong and positive -- always joking and laughing about things. But it gets difficult. I think one of the hardest things for him is the lonliness. Many people his age do not know what to say to him, so they just stay away. M really does not want anything different from anyone else and he craves normal convesation.
Right now M is inthe hospital. he has been there three weeks. Two days ago he looked very healthy. I thought he would be sent home. But then he started getting ill again. It is hard. Still, we are alive and there is hope. I told him he is a "warrior struggling." he liked that very much. I am going to print out your Tale so he can read it.
Thank you very much for your kind words. I wish you much success. This world needs brave people with good heart. I believe you are one.
Mr. A"
Reading this letter, i was speechless. Really, because i know if i was the friend of his son, i won't know what to say either. words will fail me~ what to say when you don't really understand his pain? i can do nothing more than showing my condolences and sympathy.
so, i wrote a short post dedicate to his son, M.
" This post is dedicated to Mr. A's son.
maybe the road stretch ahead seems clouded,
and there may seem never ending as the lonesome follows,
you are not alone...
with your family by your side,
u gotta have a strong believe that you will be fine,
as strength keeps one alive..."
God Bless.
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