Friday, May 30, 2008

What's the story behind...

What’s the story behind this set of meal? What’s the story behind this person? What’s the story behind this series of event?

There are so thousands and millions of people in this world. And thorough our short span of life, we hardly ever know more than 500 people in our lives. We can’t even remember that many names, can’t we? And everyday, as I take trains to school, I met probably thousands of people along the way. And just a few of them who take trains frequently just about the same time as I am will I remember their faces. Though there are more strangers that I come across, whom I do not know of. So the next time you see a stranger on your way to work or school or running an errand, take more than a glance. ‘Cause you will never know what will happen to that stranger in the following moment and what kind of fate lies ahead for him. You might just never see him or her again. What is your story? And what are theirs?

Everything in our lives has their own story and I mean everything. Even the atoms and molecules that we cannot see or touch, because we all know that atoms and molecules formed “us” and this world. And every part of us has its own story. How the cells formed and grouped together which in the end create an organism. How the atoms and molecules form the objects. These are stories. That none of us can tell because each story differs from one another. We can only tell our own story, however we can’t tell the whole story about our own life, since we can only tell the part of story about ourselves that we know of, the part that our brain and senses can interpret and understand.

It is really interesting to try to understand each story that I come in contact. Things happened and it always involved some parties, whom may not know each other.

Our surrounding provides so many things for us to observe and understand that how can we think that we are bored? Sometimes I can be quite busy with my own thoughts…=P

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