Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Chosen Quotes to share with... (ONE)

"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes.. and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility." -Eleanor Roosevelt

my interpretation...

when someone says he or she believes something, or saying "my philosophy of life is...", do they really mean a thing? they never truly believe in the self proclaimed philosophy of life unless it reflects in the choices they made. what you say you believe in might not be really what you truly believe. sometimes people are too afraid of losing face, that they choose to claim that they believe in something they do not.
as for the choices... the choices we make leads us to situations and consequences we are bound to face according to what we have decided on... therefore we have full responsibility of what we decided to do. no matter how others influence us, it is us alone who carry out the action based on our choice. hence it is unwise to blame others for what you have done. it is also unwise to blame anyone for who you are now. as it is your past thoughts and actions that lead to the YOU today. Blame nobody. Stop blaming and start to make changes by taking immediate actions, if, to you, your present situation is not the one you had hoped to land in, in the past 10 or 20 years.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Quote...
    I shall stop complaining here and there. Thanks for posting this lovely quote =)
