Sunday, July 27, 2008

On "We are Never Complete"

ever since the post "we are never complete" were published, i received two response from my frequent visitors cheeze and Henry..
both of them read this post from the perspective of "love".
but the purpose of this post is not to talk on "love"...
"we are never complete"
in the sense that we, will never be able to see things in full light.
we always end up seeing part of the whole.. never the whole.
when we thought we have achieved the greatest knowledge..
there might be knowledge greater still, that we have yet to discover.
that is why i said...
"each of us see things differently, which some of us frequently see some parts of the truth and others see the other parts of the whole."
and when we put together what we see, we will see a clearer picture of the whole.
therefore, we never work alone
as when we work together we will get more insight into the ever changing world around us.

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